
Seismic Recoredr GeoArm-R24

Seismic Recoredr GeoArm-R24MK3
    GeoArm- R24 recorder is a device with great features that have been designed for use in seismology.
The recorder includes a 24-bit digitizer with a powerful processor system running under Windows operating system. Use this feature in the Windows operating system have created this recorder that users could easily have mastered the system of internal controls, For Windows , unlike Linux environment is familiar to most users.This very complete and powerful WinSDR recorder software for control, storage and transmission in the network.
GeoArm- R24 recorder as standard a high-speed memory 32 GB solid state (SSD SLC) and 2GB of RAM for data buffering uses, other features include the ability to use the recorder’s USB output which can be up to 1 TB increase storage. As well as the possibility of adding a connection via Wi-Fi networks with different frequency band are simultaneously. This recorder can be connected to all the seismic sensors (Seismometers), Accelerometers and gauge displacement sensors voltage range is ±10 V respectively. Due to harsh weather conditions GeoArm- R24 recorder is designed so as to be able to withstand operating temperature range of -20 ° C 45+ and structurally with the IP65 standard. The system determines the location of the recorder of the most advanced and the most updated navigation system and has a very high speed with GPS and Glonass satellites and the 2 millisecond precision.
This recorder to monitor and control data need not have any computer and can be accompanied by a dedicated monitor recorder GeoArm-LEDM All settings and operations to perform system. The monitor is provided with a mini wireless keyboard to restrictions on transport and use of portable systems Heavyweight facilitate field operations.
